Thursday, October 29, 2009

Deinde's New Look and Feel

If you have taken the time to switch your feed to Deinde's new feed, thanks! The major reason for change is a complete overhaul of Deinde's website. As I have continued blogging, being a student, and now being a teacher, I've continued to create more and more resources that I make available online. The previous platform wasn't cutting it for me, so I've made this change and I hope you will enjoy.
Here is the scoop on what you can find on Deinde (and note the *NEW* stuff):
Miscellaneous Resources
  • A quick and dirty glossary of biblical studies
  • The continually updated list of free Google Books in biblical studies
  • A dataset of SBL abbreviations
  • A tutorial on scripture indexing for books, Mac style
  • a guide for unicode on the Mac

*NEW* Bookmarks in Biblical Studies

I have always kept good tabs on the internet, and I'm happy to join a group of great gateways already out there (NTGateway, iTanakh, etc). How does mine stand out? Well besides it being dirt easy for me to maintain and add to it— It is a simple, single-page interface based on a tagging system.
Web Searches
Deinde's Web searches have been around for a while now. But I want to remind you that I was the first to have a Biblioblogs search! And it is still regularly updated. As for the Web search, think of it as Google for Biblical Studies.
Biblical Greek Resources
One of my primary roles is teaching Greek, and I create and continue to create a variety of helps for learning Greek. This is the place where I share it with the rest of the world. Currently includes (1) My multimedia flashcards (2) the flashcard roundup (3) a dataset of 300 principal parts (4) Greek animations for understanding grammar [an excellent teaching resource!] (5) 3 of my Greek grammar songs [which I'll be publishing eventually] (6) other vocabulary helps.
With the permission of harvard, I publish here Walter Bense's Theological Gemran grammar. *NEW* A recent addition is a theological german glossary.
Enjoy, and I welcome any feedback.



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