Thursday, June 3, 2010

Me at SBL

Since most of my blogging brethren have mentioned when and where they'll be presenting, I thought I might as well mention what I'll be doing in order to contribute to the collective stroking of personal egos. This year will be really fun, as I've been invited on to a panel- I didn't even have to submit a proposal!!

Truth be told, I'm kind of nervous about this. I only had 3 semesters of Hebrew under my belt before I began teaching intro Hebrew, so I'm not that far ahead of the students. (Guess what- I think that's what makes me a decent teacher of intro languages!). But sitting in a room full of members of the NAPH is pretty intimidating- I'm quite positive I will be the one with the weakest Hebrew skills in the room. But no matter, I look forward to it, and if anyone asks me a question I don't know the answer to, I will simply answer the question with a question!

See you all there!

National Association of Professors of Hebrew/Applied Linguistics for Biblical Languages
Joint Session With: National Association of Professors of Hebrew, Applied Linguistics for Biblical Languages
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: Room TBD - Hotel TBD

Theme: New Biblical Hebrew Grammars

Pamela Scalise, Fuller Theological Seminary, Presiding (5 min)
Brian L. Webster, Dallas Theological Seminary
The Cambridge Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (20 min)
H. Daniel Zacharias, Acadia Divinity College
NAPH: Hebrew Grammars (20 min)
Discussion (10 min)
Jo Ann Hackett, University of Texas at Austin
Celebrating "A Basic Introduction to Biblical Hebrew" (20 min)
Martien Halvorson-Taylor, University of Virginia
NAPH: Hebrew Grammars (Hackett, A Basic Introduction to Biblical Hebrew) (20 min)
Vivian L. Johnson, United Theological Seminary
NAPH: Hebrew Grammars Panel (20 min)
Theodore Hiebert, McCormick Theological Seminary
NAPH: Hebrew Grammars (20 min)
Discussion (10 min)



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